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24 plants found in genus "Euphorbia"
 Latin NameCommon NameType/DetailForm/Colour
Euphorbia Pilosa - MajorEuphorbia Pilosa

 HerbaceousGreen flowers (Summer early)
Euphorbia Characias - Silver White SwanEuphorbia Characias

'Silver White Swan'
Euphorbia CyparissiasEuphorbia Cyparissias  Non-flowering
Euphorbia SchillingiiEuphorbia Schillingii  Non-flowering
Euphorbia StygianaEuphorbia Stygiana  Non-flowering
Euphorbia GriffithiiEuphorbia Griffithii  Non-flowering
Euphorbia LongifoliaEuphorbia Longifolia  Non-flowering
Euphorbia Donii - AmjillasaEuphorbia Donii

 Herbaceous, Ground coverNon-flowering
Euphorbia Redwing - CharamEuphorbia Redwing

Euphorbia PasteuriiEuphorbia Pasteurii HerbaceousNon-flowering
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