Plant Encyclopedia

Why not display the Plant Encyclopedia search box on your website, absolutely free of charge, and allow your visitors to easily search our database for plants?

You can display the box with just two lines of html inserted into your own website. The plant-box will look like this on your site:

Plant Encyclopedia - Find That Plant!
Enter any part of the name of a plant (common or latin)
for information, pictures & cultivation tips:
Contact Plant Encyclopedia to add this box to your own site for free!

The plant-box always opens a new browser window for the search results, so your visitors remain connected to your website, while benefiting from our huge plant database & sophisticated search tool.

It is very easy to implement - just copy the HTML shown below to the source code of your web page in the place where you want the box to appear:

If you have any problems implementing the searchbox, just email our webmaster for assistance or advice.
